Thursday, May 13, 2010

Gretna, NE

Last night it rained and rained and we heard one of the loudest booms of thunder I have ever heard. After being jarred awake by it at about 1;45 I looked out to see if the building that we were parked next to had exploded or maybe one of the motor homes next to us. This morning some of the others parked on the other side of the building next to a propane tank thought it had exploded but luckily for us all it was just thunder very close to us. After the work was done on the motor home we left Moscow about 10;30 headed west on I-80 with Gretna our destination. From Moscow to Des Moines we saw many fields partially under water and many streams running bank full. From Des Moines west occasionally we saw some fields with water on them but no streams swollen by runoff. All across Iowa the corn either had not emerged or was only a couple of inches high. We arrived in Gretna about 2:30 under sunny skies and 60 degree temps.

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