Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Weekend

After an inch and 1/2 of rain on Mon night I washed the motor home in 35 mph winds and 50 degree temp on Tues. morning, it had to be done but wasn't much fun. We then picked up our things at city hall and moved to Hazen Bay to set up for the summer. The winds remained 35-40 MPH all day long with gusts to 60 mph reported, what a welcome to North Dakota.. Wed was nice temps in the mid 70s and calm winds. Nancy got her office organized and cleaned and I started on some maintenance and cabin cleaning. Eddie had mowed a lot before we got here and continued with the mowing. Thur. saw more rain in the early morning but the day turned out pretty nice. Fri. was nice with temps in the 80's. They had delivered our new mower wed. eve. so I mowed about 3 hrs. in the AM. WOW going from a 6ft. cut to an 11ft. cut sure makes a difference. It looks like a couple day a week will now keep the RV park, the golf course and the Frisbee course all looking pretty nice. We are about 1/2 full this weekend. We certainly enjoyed making new acquaintances and renewing old friendships. Nancy got done with check ins about 8 PM and we then sat around our neighbors campfire until nearly 11PM before going to bed.

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