Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Moscow, IA

Mon. we visited my Aunt Inez who will turn 101 on May 17th. What an amazing woman she doesn't have a wrinkle on her face and doesn't look more than 75 or 80. She is still able to be up and about with out the aide of a wheel chair unless she is leaving her room to go to events at the manor. Her memory is sharper than mine. She can tell you exactly where anything is and what drawer and where in the drawer or closet anything in her house is and she hasn't been in her house for a couple of years. She related many events of her childhood to us. We had a very enjoyable 3.5 hr visit with her. On Tues we visited cousin Bea in Troy, MO. We parked in cousin Gail & Chris Ball's yard so spent many enjoyable hrs visiting with them and watching the birds. We also ate to much as they don't want anyone to go away hungry.
This morning as we headed north on IL 96 the Mississippi river bottom farms became bigger and bigger as the bottom widened out. We crossed the Mississippi River at Hannibal and continued north on US 61 through the rolling farm country of MO. Just before entering Iowa the rt turned to US 27 which took us north through the rich rolling to farmlands of Iowa. At I-80 we turned east about 30 miles to just north of the small community of Moscow where we are parked for the night. In the morning at 7AM we are to get some maintenance work done on our leveling system.
We still seem to have the cloud over us as it rained while we were at Pleasant Hill and we drove in light rain today and have had a couple of pretty good thunder showers since arriving here at about 2;30.


Ilene said...

That picture is not Aunt Inez is it?
Glad you got to spend some time with her and your cousins.

Ilene said...

Maybe this picture is Christi after reading your blog a little better. Still not sure.

HOA observer said...

Ahhh yes, Moscow - home of HWH - we visited there last summer! They were actually very courteous and were able to squeeze us in - free place to camp but the 'ambiance' left a bit to be desired...