Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Grant, NE

Today we made the trek across NE on I-80 that so many of our friends talk about being the longest stretch of nothing that they dread driving through. Personally I can't understand what why they hate it. As you drive west toward York you pass the flat corn fields that will produce the corn needed to fatten the beef, pork and chickens that we are all so fond of. Passing through Grand, Island and on toward No Platte & Ogallala you enter the great Platte River valley with the trees on one side and pastures full of black angus mama cows with their young babies by their side. For most of the way you can see for a couple of miles to each side and you don't go up and down hills or round and round curves. However upon departing the motor home at my sister and brother-in-laws south of Grant we immediately became aware of the western NE wind. We will be here until Sun. morning visiting friends and relatives in the area.

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