Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Freeport, ME

Today we went to the Red Apple campground just north of Kennebunk where we met our friends Marty & Marian who live in Nevada. We then went to Biddeford to Mulligans cafe for lunch. It is in an old brick building that at one time was probably a fish cannery. All meals are under $5. Marty & I each had Shepard's pie, crumbled hamburger cooked with corn with mashed potatoes over the top. It was very good and a huge serving. We also each had a cup of soup. The ladies had a hamburger and fries which they said was very good, it to had a large fresh hamburger patty in it. Our bill was $10.58 with tax, that's cheaper than eating at McDonald's and much more food.
From there we drove on north to Freeport where we visited the Cold River Vodka distillery. This is a small distillery that uses Maine potatoes. I believe he said that they make about 1400 cases a year. It takes 16 lbs of potatoes to make a one liter bottle of vodka. From there we went to the L.L. Bean store to look around. On the way home we stopped at a chocolate factory.

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