Monday, July 4, 2011

Pumpkin Patch RV Park Herman Maine

This morning we awoke before daylight to the sound of rain.
after the rain had stopped we departed Hardings Point Campground around 10 AM by crossing the Saint Johns River aboard the Westfield ferry under foggy skies. After getting some fuel $1.21 a liter (ouch 3.75 liter per gal.) We headed west on Hyway 1 with visibility of 1/4 mile or less. As we neared the turn off to St Andrews the fog started to lift and by the time we arrived at the boarder crossing it had lifted completely. The crossing went smoother than we had thought it might. The agents came on board and took our peppers and onions which we weren't allowed to cross with. They were really nice one even jokingly asked if we had any fudge as they were going through the refrigerator.
Traveling SW on Rte 9 we noticed that the trees had become much taller and had changed from Spruce to Pine. Also the hills had become much steeper and curvier. As we arrived at the Pumpkin Patch RV Park near Bangor, ME the temp. was 85 degree's. That seemed hot to us after spending the last 2 weeks at temps between 65 & 75 degree's. We had a thunder storm around 5 PM so we started the day with rain and ended it the same way.
We really enjoyed our time in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and didn't get to see a lot of things, hopefully there will be another trip to see more. The coast lines are truly amazing and the architecture is beautiful. The wild Lupins that seem to grow all over are very pleasing to the eye as you travel about the country.

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