Friday, July 1, 2011

Peggy's Cove Light House

Thur. morning was a damp foggy morning. We made the 6 mile trip to the small fishing village of Peggy's Cove where one of the most photographed light houses in North America is located. The village consists of about 25 houses and an Angelican Church that date back to the 1800's. This very rocky peninsula was a good location for people that fished the waters of St Margaret's Bay to live.
We also stopped at the museum of Ivan Fraser the author of the book Peggy of the Cove. This is a book about a young girl that washed up on the rocks of Peggy's Cove after a ship wreck. She is part of the folk lore of Peggy's Cove and was supposedly raised by one of the residents of the area. This was only a couple blocks from the RV Park. About 6PM after enjoying sunny skies all afternoon we decide to return to Peggy's Cove Light House for a sunny view, but low and behold as we rounded the curve about 1 mile from it we could see it was still fogged in.

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