Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Moody Beach, Maine

We arrived back in Moody Beach after lunch yesterday. It was hot and humid (90 degree's) quit a change from the high 60's & low 70's we were used to in Nova Scotia. Today we drove west 50 miles west on rte. 9 to just east of Concord, NH. We can't lock on the satellite here because of the trees and we have been having trouble getting a signal on the bat wing antenna. We got a new head for it at Camping World and the TV works great on the local channels now. While there we stopped at Sam's Club to replenish a few things we were out of. I also got a new cover for the refrigerator vent on the roof but it was the wrong one when I went to install it. I guess that means we drive back to Concord to return it. Oh well it is a very pretty drive through some of the old towns and wooded hills between here and there.

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