Sunday, July 3, 2011

Reversing Falls

The reversing falls are caused when the high tides from the Bay of Fundy rush up against the high river flows from the St. Johns River that flows into the bay. At low tide the falls are reversed as the water flows from the river into the bay. The tides in the Bay of Fundy are the worlds highest tides and the St John river is one of Canada's largest rivers.
One hundred billion tons of water pour into the Bay of Fundy every 12.4 hrs from the Atlantic Ocean. That is equal to the amount of water that flows in every river on earth in 34 hours. On average 10 million gallons of water per minute race into the bay from the St Johns river through the 110 meter wide gorge. At high tide the water in the bay is higher than the water in the St Johns river causing it to reverse.

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