Friday, July 29, 2011

Today we went to the Olympic Center In Lake Placid to watch the Ice Dance Skating competition. This is where the ice skating rinks are located. One was built for the 1932 Winter Olympics and the other was installed for the 1980 Winter Olympics. At the older rink we watched singles that were probably 8 to 12 years old compete. At the 1980 rink we watched Junior pairs competition.

After 4 hours we needed to either go put more money in the parking meter or leave. Since we weren't really dressed for an ice rink we decided to leave. When we went in we were told that this is the largest event of the year and some of the skaters would probably make the Olympic team.
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1 comment:

Ilene said...

I am so glad you are getting to see so many sites of our beutiful country. Your pictures and your blogs are great.